Reporting help centre

Learn how to use powerful reports to make smarter business decisions that will grow your business.


By default the dashboard show sales for the last 30 days. Tap All stores to filter by a specific store or the Date range button to filter by date. Select either a pre-defined or custom date range to automatically display sale data for that defined date range. Selecting a pre-defined date displays the following sales data with a percentage difference in comparison to the previous defined date range:

  • Average sale value
  • Average items per sale
  • Number of sales
  • Sales with a customer - Percentage of sales with a customer name associated with the order
  • Total sales
  • Stock takes - Number of upcoming and overdue
  • Low stock alerts - Number of products that have reached their re-order point
  • Online orders - Only shown if you have a Saledock ecommerce site. Number of pending orders
  • Gift card balance - Total outstanding

When a gift card is sold it is not included in the dashboard or sales report. The gift card is only included in the report when the gift card is redeemed.

The graph for the total sales displays the sale values on the vertical axis and the date values on the horizontal axis. Hover over a circular point on the graph to display the exact sale value for that particular date. When filtering by a pre-defined date range the graph displays total sales as follows:

  • Today - Sales shown per hour
  • Last 7 days - Sales shown per day
  • Last 30 days - Sales shown per day
  • This month - Sales shown per day
  • Last month - Sales shown per day
  • This quarter - Sales shown per week
  • Last quarter - Sales shown per week
  • This year - Sales shown per month
  • Last year - Sales shown per month

Reports dashboard

The reports dashboard quickly visualises your top selling products, suppliers, brands and categories.

By default the dashboard shows the total quantity sold for the last 30 days. Tap All stores to filter by a specific store or the Date range button to filter by date. Select either a pre-defined or custom date range to automatically display sale data for that defined date range. The dashboard displays 4 charts:

  • Top 10 selling products - A chart of product names and the quantity of each sold
  • Top 10 suppliers - A chart of supplier names and the quantity of products sold by each supplier
  • Top 10 brands - A chart of brand names and the quantity of products sold by each brand
  • Top 10 categories - A chart of categories and the quantity of products sold by each category

Hover over any item on the graph to display the exact quantity sold per product/supplier/brand/category within the specified date range.

A list of all available reports are displayed on the reports dashboard. Tap a report to view the information.

Performance report Pro Plan

The performance (formerly sales) report summarises the performance of your products, brands, suppliers and categories for a given date range. You can use this report to:
  • Decide which suppliers or brands you may choose not to stock next season
  • Discover your top selling products
  • Discover your best selling categories
  • Compare which brands outperform others
  • Compare your least and most profitable brands and suppliers

By default, the performance report shows sales by products for the last 30 days, sorted by sales value (highest first). Tap All stores to filter by a specific store. Select either a pre-defined or custom date range to automatically filter the report. All columns within the table are sortable. Sorting by Name, Supplier, Brand or Category will only update the table, sorting by the remaining columns will update both the graph and table. The report is filtered by:

  • Sales by product
  • Sales by variant
  • Sales by supplier
  • Sales by brand
  • Sales by category
  • Sales by subcategory
  • Sales by misc sales

The table and graph can be sorted by:

  • Total sold - The number of items sold
  • Sales value - Price of the item sold
  • Net value - Sales value - VAT
  • Cost of goods
  • Gross profit - Net value - Cost of goods
  • Margin - Gross profit ÷ Net value
  • Ratio - Sales value ÷ Cost of goods

Only products that have been sold within the date range will be displayed in the list. 20 products are displayed at one time, use the pagination control at the bottom of the list to view the next 20 products, the graph will update to reflect the next 20 products now displayed in the list.

Export report

Tap then Export to export all products within the filtered report. For example, if the report shows sales by product and sorted by total sold, a list of all products within the specified date range ordered by total sold (ascending to decending) will be exported.

Forecasting report Pro Plan

Data for the forecasting report is available from February 2023. This is a new report and won't show historic data prior to this date.

The forecasting report summarises the closing count, total items sold per day, sell through rate and day's cover. You can use this report to:
  • Discover top selling products throughout the year
  • Predict when a product might sell out so you can order ahead
  • Predict the cost of new stock orders

By default, the forecasting report shows data for all products based on sales in the last 30 days, sorted alphabetically (A-Z). Tap All suppliers to filter by a specific supplier. Tap All stores to filter by a specific store. Select either a pre-defined or custom date range to filter the report. The Name and Supplier within the table are sortable. The report displays the following information:

  • Name - Product name and variant
  • Supplier - Supplier assigned to the product
  • Closing count - Stock level at the end of the selected date range
  • Total sold - Total sold in the selected date range
  • Sold per day - Total sold in the selected date range ÷ The number of days in the selected date range
  • Sell through rate - Total number sold ÷ { Total number sold + Closing count }
  • Day's cover - Closing count ÷ Sold per day
  • Inventory cost - Cost of goods × Closing count
  • Retail value - Retail price × Closing count

Export report

Tap then Export to export all products within the filtered report.

Stock analysis report Pro Plan

The stock analysis report summarises the performance of products across all your stores. It highlights if a product is selling well in one store but not in another. You can use this report to:
  • Decide which stock needs transferring to better performing stores
  • Compare the performance of stock in each store

By default, the stock analysis report is grouped by all suppliers and stores. Tap All stores to filter by a specific store and All suppliers to filter by a supplier. Select a date range to filer the report. The Name, Brand and Category within the table are sortable. Each row displays the product details and the quantity of items of hand versus the quantity sold for that period.

Export report

Tap then Export to export all products within the filtered report.

Stock value report

Data for the stock value report is available from February 2023. This is a new report and won't show historic data prior to this date.

The stock value report summarises the value of stock per supplier and all your stores. You can use this report to:
  • Discover which suppliers you hold the most stock with
  • Provide your accountant with stock value figures over the past 12 months

By default, the stock value report shows the total value of all stock in the last 30 days. Tap No grouping to group stock by store or supplier. Selecting Group by supplier lists all suppliers individually, with the total stock value associated with each supplier. Selecting Group by store lists the total stock value per store.

Export report

Tap then Export to export all data within the filtered report.

Year on year report

The year on year report summarises sales performance across all your stores. You can use this report to discover if your sales have improved or declined this year/month in comparison to the previous year/month.

By default the year on year report shows sales from all stores/channels grouped by month. The year on year report enables you to compare yearly sales against the previous year so you can track sales performance each year. Sales can be filtered by day, week or month over a set date range. Tap All store to filter by a store. Select a date range to filer the report by a custom or pre-defined range.

Export report

Tap then Export to export all data within the filtered report.

Store credit report

The store credit report summarises all customers with store credit. You can also use this report to view the total outstanding balance and total store credit redeemed.

The store credit report shows all customers with store credit displayed in a list per customer. The cards display:

  • Store credit issued
  • Store credit redeemed
  • Outstanding balance
  • Number of customers with store credit

The table of gift card codes can be sorted by:

  • Customer - Tap the customer name to view their profile and store credit history. Store credit has also be added and removed from a customers profile page
  • Issued - Total sum of store credit issue
  • Redeemed - Total sum of store credit redeemed
  • Balance - Remaining store credit
  • Expiration date
  • Status

Gift card report

The gift card report summarises all active gift cards across all your stores. You can use this report to:
  • View the status and outstanding balance of all active gift cards
  • View products purchased when a gift card is redeemed
  • Re-send a gift card

The gift card report shows all activated gift cards displayed in a list per gift card code. Tap All gift cards to filter by a specific gift card status. Printed but unactivated gift cards will not be displayed in the gift card report. Only at the point of purchase is a gift card activated. To view all gift card products tap Manage gift cards to view the list. The following data is an accumulation of all activated gift cards:

  • Total value sold
  • Total outstanding balance
  • Total value redeemed
  • Total number of active gifts - Does not include expired, disabled and redeemed gift cards

The table of gift card codes can be sorted by:

  • Gift card code - Unique code generated for each gift card
  • Customer name - The customer associated with the gift card purchase
  • Gift card value
  • Gift card balance
  • Expiration date
  • Status

View gift card code information

Tap the gift card code to view the following information:

  • Gift card value
  • Balance
  • Valid from and to dates
  • Gift card product - The product the code was generated from. Tap to view the gift card product
  • Order no. - The order no. associated with the purchase of the gift card. Tap to view the sales history
  • Customer name - The customer associated with the gift card purchase. Tap to view the customer information
  • Sales history - A list of all orders paid partially or in full using the gift card

To disable the gift card tap Disable. A gift card can be re-activated at a later date. If a customer has lost their gift card you may wish to disable and re-issue a new gift card or re-send the gift card code either by printing a new one or emailing an e-gift card which can be done by tapping Re-send email or Re-print in the top right of the view. Please note: By re-printing/emailing a gift card there will be 2 of the same code in circulation. Although the same code cannot be redeemed twice, it may cause confusion if a customer redeems the re-sent code then tries to redeem the original gift card if it is found at a later date.

On-account report Pro Plan

The on-account report summarises all outstanding balances from orders placed on-account across all your stores. You can use this report to:
  • View outstanding invoices and due date
  • Mark invoices as full or partially based

The on-account report shows the number of active invoices, the total amount due on invoices, the total amount due on overdue invoices and a list of on-account sales (oldest first). Tap All stores to filter by a specific store or All status' to filter by a status. All columns within the list are sortable.

The list displays:

  • Invoice number - Select to view the PDF invoice. If you are using Xero invoices, the invoice generated within Xero will be displayed in a new browser tab. If using Saledock invoices, the invoice will be displayed with the ability to download, email, void or mark the invoice as partially/fully paid
  • Order number - Select to view the original sales history
  • Due - The due date will turn red if overdue
  • Total - Total balance due
  • Invoice status - Draft, active, paid or void

Low stock report

The low stock report summarises products that are out of stock or have reached their set re-order point. You can also use this report to easily create purchase orders straight from the low stock report.

By default the low stock report shows low stock per variant grouped alphabetically by supplier (A first). Tap All suppliers to filter by a specific supplier or All warehouses to filter by a specific warehouse (a warehouse is associated with a store). All columns within the list are sortable. By default only product variants with a specified re-order point (set to zero by default) are shown, check Include where re-order point is 0? to show all products that have a re-order point of zero.

To create a purchase order directly from the low stock report, filter the list to an individual supplier and warehouse. The purchase order will be automatically populated with the relevant products in the low stock report.

The list displays:

  • Brand
  • Name - The product name and if applicable the colour and/or size variant
  • Category
  • Warehouse - The location of the product
  • On hand - The current stock quantity. A bold and red quantity indicates the quantity is less than the re-order point
  • Re-order point - Products are only displayed in the low stock report when the current quantity is less than order equal to the re-order point
  • Qty to order - The difference between the stock on hand and the ideal quantity specified on each individual product page
  • Status - If stock is on order, the quantity on order and date expected will be displayed

The quantity, re-order point and re-order quantity is specified on the individual product page, view the Product inventory section within the Back office help guide for more information. Only warehouses with trackable inventory track product stock quantities and changes. If your warehouse does not track inventory your low stock report will be empty.

Export report

Tap then Export to export the current sales report. All products within the filtered report will be exported.

Write-off report

The write-off report summarises the revenue loss across all your stores due to damages and thefts. You can also use this report to discover products prone to damages/thefts, this could highlight a store or area with the store with higher revenue loss.

By default the write-off report shows stock write-off over the last 30 days. Tap All reasons to filter by write-off reason, All suppliers to filer by suppliers, and All stores to filter by a specific store. Select either a pre-defined or custom date range to automatically filter the report. All columns except the % loss column within the table are sortable. The following data is an accumulation of all written off stock for the specified time period:

  • Quantity written off
  • Total cost of products
  • Total lost revenue
  • Total percentage written off

The list displays:

  • Brand
  • Name - The product name and if applicable the colour and/or size variant
  • Category
  • Qty loss - Total quantity written off/li>
  • % loss - The percentage of all stock for that product written off
  • Cost - Total cost price of the product
  • Lost revenue - Total retail price of the product
  • Store
  • Reason

Export report

Tap then Export to export the current write-off report. All write-offs within the filtered report will be exported.

Staff report

The staff report summarises the performance of each staff member across all your stores. You can use this report to:
  • Discover your best and worst performing sellers
  • Discover which staff members are giving away the most discounts

By default the staff report shows sales value by staff for the last 30 days. Tap All stores to filter by a specific store. Select either a pre-defined or custom date range to automatically filter the report. All columns within the table are sortable, sorting will also update the graph.

The table and graph can be sorted by:

  • Staff name
  • Total sold - The number of items sold, this value is based on the original order. If a different staff member processes an exchange the additional item purchased won't be counted as an additional sale
  • Sales value - Total value of the items sold
  • Refund value -Total refund value of the items sold
  • Discount value -Total discount value of the items sold

Only staff that have sold items within the date range will be displayed in the list. 20 staff are displayed at one time, use the pagination control at the bottom of the list to view the next 20 staff, the graph will update to reflect the next 20 staff now displayed in the list.

Export report

Tap then Export to export the current staff report. All staff within the filtered report will be exported.

Abandoned basket report Unified Plan

Data for abandoned baskets is available from March 2023. This is a new report and won't show historic data prior to this date.

The abandoned baskets report summarises the rate of abandoned baskets .vs complete checkouts on your eCommerce site. You can use this report to:
  • Discover your abandoned basket rate
  • Discover your return to complete rate
  • Discover which customers have abandoned their baskets and what items are in their basket

By default the abandoned basket report shows abandoned baskets for the last 30 days. Select either a pre-defined or custom date range to automatically filter the report. All columns within the table are sortable. The report shows:

  • Abandoned basket value - Total value of abandoned baskets
  • Abandoned basket % - Percentage of all baskets abandoned
  • No. of abandoned baskets - Total number of abandoned baskets
  • Return to complete rate - Percentage of all orders that have completed after being abandoned

The graph shows a comparision of abandoned baskets .vs complete checkouts by day or month depending on the data range specified. The table below the graph displays information about each abandoned basket:

  • Date
  • Customer - Shown if the customer is logged in to their account
  • Email address - Shown if the customer is logged in to their account
  • Basket value
  • No. of items -Total number of items in the basket
  • - Tap to view products within the basket

Abandoned basket emails

To help decrease your abandoned basket rate, multiple automated emails can be created and scheduled with an optional discount code. Please refer to the eCommerce Help Centre to setup Abandoned Basket Emails.

End of day report

The end of day report summarises the sales per register closure. You can use this report to:
  • Discover gross sales, discounts, refunds and liabilities
  • Monitor cash movements for discrepencies
  • Compare card vs cash takings

An end of day report is only displayed in the back office once the register has been closed. A single end of day report is generated and associated with the date the register was opened. If you do not close the register for multiple days or take sales after midnight, the single end of day report will include sales from those dates.

An end of day report is automatically generated at 00:01am every day for all online orders. All in-store and online end of day reports are displayed in the end of day report list.

By default the end of day report list shows reports for the last 30 days, ordered by date (newest first). Tap All stores to filter by a specific store. Search for a report by register name or filter by date. Select either a pre-defined or custom date range to automatically filter the report list. The Register name and Date columns are also sortable.

Export report

Tap then Export to export the current end of day view. Only the current filtered view will be exported.

View a report

Tap a register name to view the end of day report. Tap Print to print or save the report as a PDF from the print dialogue. Each end of day report displays:

  • Register opening and closing times, register opened by, opening float value, internal notes and a full sales history
  • Breakdown of transactions by category, including total quantity sold and total value for each category
  • Breakdown of refunds by category, including total quantity returned and total value for each category
  • Sales sumary
    • Gross sales - Total value of all sales excluding discounts and refunds
    • Discounts - Total value of discounts given
    • Refunds - Total value of refunds given
    • Net sales - The Gross value - Discounts and Refunds
    • Liabilities - Total outstanding balance of gift card, store credit and on-account sales
    • Laybys - Total value of layby sales (outstanding balances)
    • Total takings -The Net sales value - Layby sales. Liabilities are not included in total takings
  • VAT breakdown per VAT category
  • Cash movements
    • Time
    • Reason
    • User
    • Amount - Total cash in/out recorded
    • Cash expected - Total float plus cash sales
    • Cash discrepency - Difference between the expected and the counted totals
  • Breakdown of payments by payment type (cash, card and gift card) and sale type (payment and refund) with a total amount (total payments minus total refunds)

The end of day report is a digital version of your end of day reports printed in-store.

Finance report

The finance report report summarises sales across all your stores. You can use this report to:
  • Discover the number and value of sales, including your profit for a selected date range
  • Compare stock value at cost vs stock value sold

By default the finance report shows all sales transactions in real-time across all registers and stores (in-store and online) for the last 30 days. Tap All stores to filter by a specific store. The finance report is also filterable by date, select either a pre-defined or custom date range to automatically filter the finance report. Tap Print to print or save the report as a PDF from the print dialogue. Only the current filtered view will be printed.

The finance report is broken down into five sections: Sales, VAT summary, Gross profit, Payment types, and Stock. The Sales section includes layby orders (outstanding balances) and displays:

  • Total orders - Total number of all orders
  • Gross sales - Total value of all sales excluding discounts and returns
  • Discounts - Total value of discounts given
  • Returns - Total value of items returned
  • Total sales - Gross value - { Discounts + Returns }

The VAT summary is a breakdown of VAT by VAT type. The Gross profit is calculated by the net sales minus the cost of goods. A margin percentage is also provided but this is only a cost of goods margin and does not take into account transaction fee rates, staff wages and operation costs. The Payment types section is a breakdown of all payments and refunds by type with a total payments value (payments minus refunds). This includes store credit and store credit liabilities. Beneath, the total layby value and on account value is displayed, this is the outstanding balance due from layby orders and orders on account. The Stock section displays:

  • Total stock quantity sold - The number of items sold in the specified date range
  • Total stock quantity remaining - The number of items currently in stock. This value will not change if the date range is updated as it the current value
  • Total stock value sold - The cost price of all items sold in the specified date range
  • Stock write-off total The cost price of all written-off stock in the specified date range
  • Total stock value at cost - The current value of all stock. This value will not change if the date range is updated as it the current value

Loyalty and rewards

Learn how to create no. of visit and point-based loyalty rewards for different customer groups.

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