Integration help centre

Learn how to connect and manage 3rd party Facebook, Xero and Hubspot integrations.

Facebook Shopping

Connect to Facebook

This feature is for customers with Saledock eCommerce sites only. To use this feature you will need a Facebook business profile and a Facebook Shop with a catalogue.

To create a Facebook Shop and catalogue, please follow Facebook's Create a Shop documentation. On the second step, select Checkout on another website as the payment method.

To connect your Facebook Shop account to Saledock, go to Settings > Marketplace integrations then select Facebook. Enter your Facebook credentials and grant Saledock permissions to connect the integration. Next, select your Facebook Shop and catalogue. Once connected you'll be able to manage your Facebook Shop products from Saledock.

Note: This is a one way Saledock to Facebook Shop sync. If you have an existing Facebook Shop with products, these products will not be sync to Saledock.

Manage products

To setup and manage Facebook Shop products, select the Sell on social link available once the account is connected. This is also accessible from Online store > Sell on social.

All products that have the Online option selected on the Product availability section of each product page will be displayed. You will not be able to publish a product to the Facebook Shop if it has not first been published to your eCommerce site. Product not published online will be displayed next to each product if this is the case. To publish products to your Facebook Shop individually toggle products to published or select multiple from the list and tap the Publish to publish multiple at once.

To the right of each product toggle, the status of each product sync is shown:

  • Pending - Awaiting sync
  • Syncing - Syncing in progress
  • Synced - Succesfully synced to Facebook
  • Pending deletion - Awaiting Facebook to unpublish the product
  • Error - Hover over the icon to display the error message

Facebook requires the following product data to successfully sync a product:

  • Product name
  • Product image
  • Product description
  • Product price

If data is missing you will see an error status, please update the product before syncing the product again.


From the taxonomy tab, select a Google taxonomy for each category. This is not mandatory but recommended as this will enable your products to be found more easily across search engines and social media platforms. Try to be as specific as possible when selecting a taxonomy. A list of all categories and sub-categories defined in Saledock will be displayed, select a Google taxonomy equivalent for each.

If you are unsure which Google taxonomy categories to use, please view the full list. To search the list, press "Ctrl + F" to open your browser search control then type your search criteria.

Sync products to Facebook

Once you've chosen your products to display on your Facebook Shop, you're ready to sync your products. Select the status tab and tap the Sync now button. Once your products have been synced for the first time, syncing will occur every 20 minutes, automatically updating your Facebook Shop with product edits and new products.

Note: Facebook can take 20 minutes to sync and publish products to your Facebook Shop. Check back after this time for errors if your products are not appearing. A status list will be shown to indicate the status of each product.

Disconnect from Facebook

To disconnect your Facebook Shop account from Saledock, tap the icon in the top right and select Disconnect from Facebook.

Google Shopping

Guidance coming soon!

Royal Mail Click & Drop

Connect to Royal Mail

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Ship Theory

Guidance coming soon!


Connect to Xero

To connect your Xero account to Saledock, go to Settings > Accounting. If you are already logged into Xero from a previous browser session you'll automatically be logged in. Otherwise enter your Xero credentials and grant Saledock permissions to connect the integration.

Mapping your accounts

Before mapping your Xero accounts to Saledock, you may need to create cash and card clearing accounts within Xero. Important: When creating new accounts or mapping existing Xero accounts, ensure Enable payments to this account is selected for each account. Once the relevant accounts have been created you can map these accounts to the Saledock fields. Your accountant will be able to set these up on your behalf.

If you have connected your Xero account to Saledock then added new clearing accounts within Xero, the new accounts may take a few minutes to be displayed. To trigger an instant sync tap the button in the top right and select Refresh accounts.

First, select if you wish Saledock to sync to Xero after every transaction or only when the register is closed. Opting for the latter will make end of day reconcilation a quicker process. Next, map the following fields:

Accounts for sales
  • Product sales - sales account
  • Shipping sales - sales account
  • Gift card sales - liability account
  • Layby sales - liability account
  • Store credit sales - liability account
Accounts for payments
  • Cash - Clearing account
  • Card - Clearing account
  • Transaction fees - Expense account
Account for purchases

If you create purchase orders using Saledock, you have the option to sync these to Xero. Select Sync purchase orders to Xero? and the following options will be available:

  • Purchases - Cost of goods (COGS)
  • VAT rates - Match your VAT rates created in Saledock to your VAT rates on purchases created in Xero
Accounts for sales taxes

Match your VAT rates created in Saledock to your VAT rates on income created in Xero

Accounts for cash management
  • Cash discrepancies - Expense account
  • Cash in/out - Asset account
  • Cash float - Asset account

On account sales

For retailers offering on account sales to customers, enable the Invoice option as a Payment method from back office Settings. When an on account sale is processed, a Xero invoice is automatically generated which is then emailed to the customer or printed. The Xero invoice includes a payment link so once the invoice has been paid, a paid status is synced back to Saledock, changing the order to complete and reducing the outstanding balance to zero.

Integration status

All fields can be mapped in advance before activating the integration. In the top right, tap Activate to enable the integration. The status of the Xero integration is shown in the top left. Tap Disconnect from Xero to disable the integration.


Connect to Hubspot

Guidance coming soon!

Back office analytics

Learn how to use the back office analytics to gain valuable insights into your business.

guide to analytics

POS help center

Learn how to manage and process sales, take payments and create customers.

POS help centre