Back office stock help centre
Learn how to use the back office stock take, purchase orders and stock movements.
Create purchase order
By default the purchase order list shows all purchase orders created across all stores, grouped by supplier. Tap All stores to filter by a specific store, or All suppliers to filer by supplier. Search by the order number and the user who requested the purchase order, or filter by status. All columns are also sortable. Tap an order number to view the purchase order information.
Create a purchase order
From the back office, tap the Stock control section in the navigation list then Purchase orders. Tap the Purchase order button to create a new purchase order. Specify the:
- Supplier - The purchase order will be sent to the supplier
- Supplier no./reference - Optional
- Order no. - Auto-populated but editable, this number must be unique. You'll use this number to track purchase orders
- Deliver to - The store that the stock should be delivered to
- Due date - When you wish the stock to arrive at the store. The due date on the purchase order list will appear in red, if the purchase order is still open after the due date
- Order stock for - When you wish the stock to arrive at the store. The due date on the purchase order list will appear in red, if the purchase order is still open after the due date
- Add products that have reached their re-order point? - If you've set re-order points and re-order quantities for each product, any product that has reached its re-order point will be automatically added to the purchase order
- Add products from open backorders? - If your business uses back orders, there may be products on back order that need to be ordered via a purchase order. Select if you wish to include products that are out of stock on open back orders
- Create transfer requests? - If you are ordering stock for multiple stores using a single purchase, select to automatically create transfer requests. The purchase order will be delivered to a single location as selected in the Deliver to field. The products will then be transferred to the relevant stores. Ideal for retailers who deliver their stock to a central warehouse
- Notes - Optional
Tap the Save button. Once saved, a search control will be displayed. Search for the product by name, brand or SKU; all matching results will be displayed. Tap the single or multiple products as required. The products will be added to the table beneath.
Products will be automatically added the purchase order upon save, if you've chosen to include products that:
- Have reached their re-order point
- Are on an open back order - Tap the icon to view the individual back order
The icon indicates a transfer request will be automatically created for that product.
Specify the stock quantity of each product you wish to order. By default, this field is populated with the difference between your on hand quantity and your ideal quantity, but can be overwritten. The on hand quantity on hand is shown for reference. The cost price is also displayed, which is editable, this will not update the cost price of the actual product. Tap the icon to remove a product. In the footer of the table, you can add the delivery fee if applicable.
To confirm and send the purchase order, tap the Save and send button, an email dialogue will be displayed. The recipient email address will be auto-populated with the email provided on the supplier details page. The email subject line and content is auto-populated but editable. Tap Send and the purchase order will be marked as sent. The supplier will receive a purchase order email with a PDF attachment containing the details of the purchase order.
If you wish to save the purchase order for later, tap the Save button. To delete the purchase order, tap the button and select the Delete order option. From here you can also download a PDF of the purchase order, duplicate the order and manually mark the order as sent if you don't wish to send the order using the back office.
Manage purchase order
Receive a purchase order
Once the order has been sent, the purchase order view will be updated, ready for the receipt of goods. In the product table, input the quantity received against each product. The quantity ordered is displayed for reference. If the quantity ordered and received matches, the line will turn green. If the quantity received is above the order quantity, the line will turn amber, and red if below. By default, the quantity received will be populated with the quantity ordered.
Once you're ready to receive the order, tap the Receive order button. If stock quantities received match or are greater than the stock ordered, a confirmation dialogue will be displayed. Confirm the order to mark the purchase order as received, stock levels will then be updated. If stock has not been received when the button is tapped, you have the option to keep the purchase order open or partially receive the order. If partially received, the relevant stock levels will be updated but the purchase order will remain open until the remaining stock is received. Once you've received the stock, update the quantity received and tap the button again. This will mark the purchase order as received and the remaining stock levels will be updated.
Purchase orders can also be received using the Stock control app. Please refer to the Receive purchase order section within the Stock control app help centre.
To cancel the transfer, tap the button and select the Cancel transfer option. You have the option to email the supplier with the cancel purchase order request. From here you can also download a PDF of the purchase order and duplicate the order.
Once an order has been received. The barcode labels for all stock within the purchase order are automatically generated. Tap the Print labels button to print the labels, this is only compatible with the Dymo LabelWriter 450 or 550.
Return a purchase order
Once received, the purchase order view will be updated. You'll have the option to return a full or partial order. Tap the Return button, and the view will be updated. The return number is auto-populated but editable, add a return due date and any notes. In the product table beneath, input the stock quantity you are returning for each product. The quantity received is displayed for reference. Select a reason for return from a pre-defined list. To confirm the return tap the Save and send button, an email dialogue will be displayed. The supplier email address will auto-populated along with the email subject line and content. Tap Send to mark the purchase order as returned. The stock levels will be reverted to their original value and an email sent to the supplier.
If you wish to save the return for later, tap the Save button. To delete the return, tap the button and select the Delete return option. From here you can also download a PDF of the return and mark the return as sent. Marking as sent will also update the order to returned and update the stock levels.
Once marked as returned or partially returned, the order will be a read-only view for historic reference. A reference link to the original purchase order will also be displayed.
Stock movements
By default the stock movements list shows all stock check in/outs, transfers and write-offs created across all stores, ordered by reference number. Tap All stores to filter by a specific store. Search by the reference number and the user who requested the stock movement, or filter by Status and Type. All columns are also sortable.
Tap a reference number to view the stock movement information. A record of all stock check ins/outs, transfers and write-offs, whether actioned in the back office or on the stock control app, will be displayed in this list.
Check in stock
We recommend that stock is checked in using the Purchase order feature. However, if you wish to manually check in stock levels in bulk you can use the Stock check in feature, rather than updating the stock levels within each product. To check in stock, select the option from the Stock Movements view. Select the store you wish to add stock to. A reference number is automatically generated but this can be amended. Add an optional note, then tap the Save button. Once saved, a search control will be displayed. Search for the product by name, brand or SKU; all matching results will be displayed. Tap the single or multiple products as required. The products will be added to the table beneath. Specify the number of products you wish to check in. The cost price is also displayed, which is editable, this will not update the cost price of the actual product. Tap the icon to remove a product. To confirm check in, tap the Save and check in stock button, a confirmation dialogue will be displayed. Once confirmed, the stock levels for each product will be updated.
Once the stock has been check in, tap the Print labels button to print the labels, this is only compatible with the Dymo LabelWriter 450 or 550. If you wish to save the check in for later, tap the Save button. To cancel the check in, tap the button and select the Cancel check in option. From here you can also download a PDF of the check in.
Stock can also be checked in from the Stock control app. Please refer to the Stock in/out section within the Stock control app help centre.
Check out stock
Whilst stock levels are automatically updated after every sale, you may need to check out stock. To check out stock, select the option from the Stock Movements view. Select the store you wish to check out the stock against. A reference number is automatically generated but this can be amended. Add an optional note, then tap the Save button. Once saved, a search control will be displayed. Search for the product by name, brand or SKU; all matching results will be displayed. Tap the single or multiple products as required. The products will be added to the table beneath. Specify the number of products you wish to check out. The cost price is also displayed, which is editable, this will not update the cost price of the actual product. Tap the icon to remove a product. To confirm check out, tap the Save and check out stock button, a confirmation dialogue will be displayed. Once confirmed, the stock levels for each product will be updated.
If you wish to save the check out for later, tap the Save button. To cancel the check out, tap the button and select the Cancel check out option. From here you can also download a PDF of the check out.
Stock can also be checked out from the Stock control app. Please refer to the Stock in/out section within the Stock control app help centre.
Transfer stock
To transer stock, select the option from the Stock Movements view. Select the store you wish to transfer the stock from, and the destination store. A reference number is automatically generated but this can be amended. Add a due date for the transfer and select if you wish to automatically add products that have reached their re-order point at the destination store. Add an optional note, then tap the Save button. Once saved, any products that have reached their re-order point will be shown (if checkbox selected), and a search control will be displayed. Search for the product by name, brand or SKU; all matching results will be displayed. Tap the single or multiple products as required. The products will be added to the table beneath. Specify the number of products you wish to transfer, the source quantity (the store the products are at now) and destination quantity (the store the products will be transferred to) are displayed for reference. The cost price is also displayed, which is editable, this will not update the cost price of the actual product. Tap the icon to remove a product.
To confirm the transfer, tap the Save and send button, an email dialogue will be displayed. The recipient email address will be auto-populated with the email provided within the store details view. The email subject line and content will be auto-populated. This can be amended. Tap Send and the transfer will be marked as sent. At this point the stock levels at the originating store will be updated, and the store manager will receive a transfer request email with a PDF attachment containing the details of the transfer. A link to the transfer in the back office will also be included in the email content.
If you wish to save the transfer for later, tap the Save button. To cancel the transfer, tap the button and select the Cancel transfer option. From here you can also download a PDF of the transfer and manually mark the transfer as sent if you don't wish to send the store manager an email. Marking the transfer as sent will also update the stock levels at the originating store.
Once the stock has arrived at the destination store, the transfer should be marked as received. Tap the Receive stock button. Confirm the dialogue, and the stock quantities will be updated at the destination store. The barcode labels for all stock within the transfer are automatically generated. Tap the Print labels button to print the labels, this is only compatible with the Dymo LabelWriter 450.
Write-off stock
To write-off stock, select the option from the Stock Movements view. Select the store you wish to write-off the stock against. A reference number is automatically generated but this can be amended. Add an optional note, then tap the Save button. Once saved, a search control will be displayed. Search for the product by name, brand or SKU; all matching results will be displayed. Tap the single or multiple products as required. The products will be added to the table beneath. Specify the number of products you wish to write-off and select a pre-defined reason. The cost price is also displayed, which is editable, this will not update the cost price of the actual product. Tap the icon to remove a product. To confirm write-off, tap the Confirm write-off button, a confirmation dialogue will be displayed. Once confirmed, the stock levels for each product will be updated.
If you wish to save the write-off for later, tap the Save button. To cancel the write-off, tap the button and select the Cancel write-off option. From here you can also download a PDF of the write-off.
Stock can also be written off from the Stock control app. Please refer to the Write-off stock section within the Stock control app help centre.
Create stock take
By default, the stock take list shows all stock takes created across all stores, ordered by due date (due first). Tap All stores to filter by a specific store. Search for a stock take by the name given, or filter by status. All columns are also sortable.
Create a stock take
From the back office, tap the Stock control section in the navigation list then Stock take. Tap the Stock take button to create a new stock take. Specify the:
- Stock take name
- Due date - When you wish the stock take to be completed by. The due date will be displayed in the stock take app. The status of the stock take will change to Overdue if the stock take is not submitted by the due date. This status will be reflected in the app, the stock take list in the back office and also on the back office dashboard to highlight a stock take is overdue.
- Assign to - Assign the stock take to a member of staff. The name of the staff member will appear against the stock take in the app. All staff members can see the stock take and it can be completed by other staff members if required.
- Warehouse - Select the warehouse relevant to the count. You may have one warehouse per store.
- Type - Full or partial stock take. If partial you can create a stock take by supplier, brand and/or category. Alternatively you can create a stock take by specific products. Partial stock takes are useful if you prefer to do smaller stock takes or perform stock takes by brand. Alternatively, search for specific products to perform a smaller stock take. Once the products or categories .etc have been specified, a preview of the products included in the count will be generated beneath.
- Include archived products? - Select this option if you wish to include archived products in the count.
Tap Save.
View a stock take
Tap a stock take in the list to view the stock take information. Once a stock take has been started, from the back office or the stock control app, the stock take progression will be displayed in real-time. The Stock gain, Stock loss, Stock net value and Stock quantity fields will also be updated, but only apply to the stock that has been counted so far. This information is valuable only once the completed stock take has been submitted but provides an idea on the accuracy of your stock levels as the stock take progresses.
A stock take can be deleted if it has a status of New. Once the stock take has been started it can no longer be deleted. A stock take can be Abandoned from the stock take app, the status of the stock take will then be reflected in the back office.
Perform stock take
A stock take can be performed from either the back office or the Stock control app. The mobile stock control app enables you to walk around the store and stock room scanning products. This is the recommended option. To perform a stock take using the Stock control app, please refer to the Perform stock take section within the Stock control app help centre.
To perform a stock take from the Back office, tap Start now. The Counted column will become editable, allowing you to input the number of stock counted. The Difference column will display the difference between the expected and counted stock.
The stock take view in the back office will update to show the progress of the stock take (0% upon creation). If conducting the stock take in the back office, tap the browser refresh button to update the progression status. Progression will be auto-updated if conducting the stock take from the Stock control app.
Review stock take
To review a stock take go to the stock take section within the back office. Tap a stock take in the list to view the stock take information. The Count progress, Stock gain, Stock loss, Stock net value and Stock quantity fields will represent the full stock take. Beneath the full list of products included in the count will be shown with an Expected, Counted and Difference value.
If a staff member excludes a product from the stock take within the app, the stock quantity is not updated updated and the icon is displayed to highlight that the product was excluded.
If an product has been sold since the stock take began, a icon is displayed indicating the product requires a recount as the stock levels have changed. The user is also alerted to this in the Stock control app.
By default, the stock take is filtered to show all products within the stock take, this can be filtered to only show Counted, Uncounted and Excluded products.
Once the stock take is complete, the stock take can be reviewed and submitted straight from the stock control app or a manager may wish to review the stock take from the back office before submitting it. To submit the stock take from the back office, tap Submit. A dialogue will be displayed asking you to confirmation stock take completion, any discrepencies or uncounted stock will be flagged. Upon confirmation, stock levels will be updated.
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